Costa de Lavos Relay Event
17 Nov 2007


Entry fees
Before or on November 11
Relay team
12 €
Extra Relay Courses Born 1987 or afterwards
1,50 €
Born 1986 or before

  • FPO participants must give their affiliation number.
  • Other participants, Identity Card number, passport number or another identify document is needed
  • COC associates must give their associate number.
  • Athletes with their own chip must give the SI Card number.
  • Young runners participating for their schools with school insurance pay the same as FPO affiliated runner.People not affiliated in FPO have to pay 1,75€ for a sports insurance.
  • SI Card rental has the value of 1€.


Entry Form (download)


Edifício dos Bombeiros Municipais de Leiria - Rua de Tomar
2400 Leiria - PORTUGAL Fax. 244 831 772 email: